《无尽的任务2》在第十个资料篇到来前 玩家将有一周时间的经验和货币翻倍奖励

2014-10-08 1067

当《无尽任务2》第十个资料篇Altar of Malice在下周发布时,你准备好提升到100级了吗?如果没有,那么你有一个月的的奖励来提前帮你做好准备。与EDT今天的下午3点开始一直持续到11月11日周二的凌晨2点59分,所有资格会员将收到25%的经验奖励。这包括了冒险、商业技能和交替提升点。另外,所有玩家将受到双倍的Etyma,用于从薇仙之泪商人处购买装备和物品的货币。(是的,这个双倍可供叠加,所以付费会员实际将收到四倍的Etyma!)

还有什么?2014夏季飘渺工艺品也将在限定时间内卷土重来。看看下面这些火焰武器的片段。 职业玩家游戏工作室论坛,为您提供游戏项目,游戏辅助,VPN,国外游戏资讯等最新信息。




Are you ready for EverQuest II's level bump to 100 when the 10th expansion, Altar of Malice, launches next month? If not, then you've got a month of bonuses ahead to help you prepare. Starting today at 3:00 p.m. EDT and lasting until Tuesday, November 11th at 2:59 a.m. EDT, All-Access members will receive a 25% bonus to experience. This includes adventuring, tradeskilling, and Alternate Advancement points. Additionally, all players will receive double Etyma, the coin used to purchase gear and items from the Tears of Veeshan merchants. (And yes, this double offer stacks, so paid members will actually be receiving four times the Etyma!)

Want more? The 2014 Summer Ethereals and Artifacts are also making a comeback for this limited time. Check out these flaming weapon drops in the clips below.


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