《时空裂隙》新地下城Glacial Maw的预览 其内容非常贴合梦魇之潮的含义

2014-10-10 1197

《时空裂痕》的下个资料篇的命名为梦魇之潮很贴切,因为它真正的给了你一个清晰想法:你步入的是什么。所以当你阅读有关65级的地下城Glacial Maw时,就不会真正感到诧异。一个产生在强大的Izbithu的遗骸内部的地下城,身处其中你要击退希望恐惧生物再次卷土重来的寄生生物的侵袭?当然是如同噩梦一般,这就是你所承诺过的。

当然,一切前提是你先让它接触Izbithu的尸体,之后你将不得不在为通过冰霜巨龙的道路而战斗,其倾向于吃掉任何调查衰弱怪物和融合了触角和鲨鱼的魔像的人。而且哪怕有一次你击退了狡猾的寄生侵袭,在身体深处还有一些更糟糕的。 职业玩家游戏工作室论坛,为您提供游戏项目,游戏辅助,VPN,国外游戏资讯等最新信息。



It's nice that RIFT's upcoming expansion is named Nightmare Tide because it really gives you a clear idea of what you're walking into. So when you read about the upcoming level 65 dungeon, Glacial Maw, it doesn't really surprise you. A dungeon that takes place burrowed inside of the carcass of the powerful Izbithu, wherein you fight off an infestation of parasites hoping to make the dread creature rise once more? Nightmarish, sure, but that's what you were promised on the tin.

Of course, all of that is assuming that you make it to Izbithu's corpse first, since first you'll have to fight your way past an ice drake that tends to eat anyone investigating the decaying monstrosity and a golem fused with tentacles and sharks. And even once you fight off the insidious parasitic infection, there's something even worse in the depths of the body.


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