《黑色沙漠OL》在PvE首领的击杀过程中要适当闪避 不然会徒增战斗难度

2014-10-11 1443


“假如你不适当的运用躲闪,《黑色沙漠OL》中的首领似乎很渴望尽可能的对你造成伤害,给与很多反击和少数的眩晕效果。”作者建议到。 职业玩家游戏工作室论坛,为您提供游戏项目,游戏辅助,VPN,国外游戏资讯等最新信息。



The folks over at 2P.com have been eating up the Black Desert Online Korean beta, but an encounter with a PvE boss left one writer staring at a death screen over and over again. And so, naturally, he took it upon himself to record his struggles, 12-minute fight, and eventual victory in defeating this mob.

"The bosses in [Black Desert Online], it seems, are very keen to do as much damage to you as possible, dealing a lot of knock back and a handful of stun effects only if you do not use your dodges properly," the writer advises.

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