美服《TERA》 积极的作战系统带来了技巧 主动战斗背后的故障

2014-10-14 1396






TERA is a great game when it comes to bringing something new to the table. With its true active combat system, it has brought skill forward, as opposed to simply being based on gear. Whether players are taking part in PvE or PvP, skill will always have the greatest benefit. But this is also TERA’s biggest fault. Sadly, the game is based on a somewhat small niche of players – those that would rather have skill triumph than time or money.

Gear’s Importance in Combat

Gear does play a role in all combat: it affects things like damage, plus adds to defense. While a player may get killed in a single hit when under-geared, when over-geared it may take many hits to take them out. This creates a sort of buffer that helps cover for mistakes that are made. In end-game content this definitely makes a difference, but not enough that a bad player will be able to go without dying over and over again. On the lower-end content, however, this is a possibility.

The Exception to This Rule

There is one exception to the rule of skill taking precedence is in PvP. This is because badly-geared players just won’t be able to compete against those that are geared well. So much so, in fact, that you could be attacking a player for little to no damage for a few minutes, and then when they finally get a hit on you it’s over. In this case, skill really doesn’t play a role, as there was no way to win even if they never got a hit in.

What Players Want

When most of us play a game, we want a challenge. Giving something to work towards increases the amount of time spent in the game and boosts enjoyment from it. TERA’s idea appears to be that an active combat system would help fill this void, by giving a challenge throughout the entire game. The problem here is that while we want a challenge, a lot want it to be a selective one. In that what I mean is, for example, Rift has raid dungeons that are difficult, and normal dungeons that are easy. This gives people a choice in what they want to play – challenging or easy – each time they choose to do content. With TERA’s battle system, the challenge is never-ending.

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