《Master X Master》韩国MOBA游戏公布其测试阶段内的一些游戏细节

2014-10-14 2324

是的,另一个多人联机在线竞技游戏(MOBA)就要出现了,这次是有NCsoft出品。目前这款游戏在韩国还处于测试阶段。Steparu放出《Master X Master》的测试以看看这款游戏在当今拥堵的游戏环境下值不值得关注;而不是发现游戏是《英雄联盟》本质上些许的改头换面,她发现游戏更贴近与《风暴英雄》和第三人称射击游戏《精英》的混合。

游戏运用WASD操控的同时允许玩家用Tab键在2个角色间标记,引入了基于团队作战为元素的游戏。它也以PVE任务为特色,以方便喜爱单纯团队挑战的玩家,进一步从数据包中分离设定自身。虽然没有明确的发布或本地化时间,它可能从同类型中脱颖而出从而引起你的兴趣。 职业玩家游戏工作室论坛,为您提供游戏项目,游戏辅助,VPN,国外游戏资讯等最新信息。


Yes, another MOBA is coming out, this one by NCsoft. The game is currently in its beta test over in South Korea. Steparu took the Master X Master beta for a spin to see if the game was worth paying attention to in an already crowded field of games; rather than finding a game that was essentially a slight reskin and retune of League of Legends, she found that the gameplay is closer to a mixture of Heroes of the Storm and SMITE with third-person shooters.

The game uses a WASD control scheme whilst allowing players to tag between two characters with the Tab key, bringing in elements of team-based fighting games. It also features PvE missions for players who'd prefer to take on purely team-based challenges, further setting itself apart from the pack. Take a look at the full rundown for more details; while there's no definite release or localization date, it might be different enough from its contemporaries to pique your interest.

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