
2014-10-22 1180





The latest developer blog has been posted on the Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft site that lets fans know that the team has been hard at work and that Android users should see a version of the game before the end of the year. The delay, it is explained, is largely due to overhauling the interface in a way that works, hence the development team needing more time to perfect it.

Throughout the past year, many of you have been asking about the release date for Hearthstone on Android. The team has been hard at work to bring Hearthstone to that platform, and is making great progress. We’re taking things one step at a time and we’ve got our sights set on a release for Android tablets, our next new platform, before the end of the year.

We’re also close to having Hearthstone out to our iPhone and Android phone users, but it’s become clear that we need a little more time to get that version right. While we have a build up and running internally, it needs a bit more work, and we don’t feel like we’ll be ready to share it with you until early next year.One of the biggest challenges with that is revamping the user interface so it feels intuitive and offers the same quality Hearthstone experience.

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