《Guns of Icarus Online》最新的1.3.8补丁对增长和匹配系统做出了大变动

2014-10-22 679

《Guns of Icarus Online》最新的补丁为了让角色变得更好将让它的大型处理更简单。游戏的增长系统正全面检修,现在经验的获得通过比赛而不是成就并且经验与等级相绑定。这伴随着数据和特性的重组而且等级提升到了45,这也对现存角色适用而且给了他们更多的等级来游戏。

补丁还提高了游戏的匹配系统,帮助玩家更快进入的同时为所有人提供了更平衡的系统。新的教程将指引新玩家进入游戏并且也添加了更容易观看游戏展开的观众系统,给与玩家们许多新老相似的享受。 职业玩家游戏工作室论坛,为您提供游戏项目,游戏辅助,VPN,国外游戏资讯等最新信息。



The latest patch for Guns of Icarus Online is going to make it a great deal easier for characters to get better. The game's progression system has been completely overhauled, with level now tied to experience earned via matches rather than to achievements. This is accompanied by a reorganization of stats and traits and a bump in the level cap to 45, which will also bump existing characters and give them more levels to play around with.

Said patch also improves the game's matchmaking system, which helps get players into the action more quickly while also providing a more balanced system for everyone. A new tutorial to introduce new players to the game and a spectator system that makes it easier to watch games unfold have also been added, giving players new and old alike plenty to enjoy.


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