美服《神使的裹尸布》Steam早期访问开始于11月24日 带来新内容以及重大改变

2014-10-24 795

Portalarium宣布《神使的裹尸布》Steam早期访问将于11月24日启动。早期使用的顾客将有机会帮助测试版本,随着调整和修正,将成为建立在十一月的Steam EA。

对于发布于11月24日的Steam早期访问,我们正全速前进,起初转移到Steam我们很紧张,根据Steam Greenlight运动积极的和迅速的结果来看,感觉好极了。Steam一直支持我们。这次发布应该很顺利。因此,如果你乐意,我们需要您在R11上的帮助。



Portalarium has announced that Steam Early Access for Shroud of the Avatar will begin on November 24th. Early Access patrons will have an opportunity to help test the build that, with tweaks and fixes, will become the Steam EA build in November.

We are moving full steam ahead (oh yes, I went there) towards our Steam Early Access launch on November 24. We were nervous at first about moving to Steam, but are feeling great now based on the overwhelmingly positive and speedy results of our Steam Greenlight campaign, and the incredible support Steam has been giving us. With that said, we need this launch to be super smooth. So we need your help in R11 to play the game through Steam if you are willing.

We have lots of new content for you to play with (over a hundred!), and some major changes, including the addition of advancement (finally a sense of progress through gameplay), modifications to combat systems (movement penalties, sprinting, encumbrance, durability, etc.), crafting (cooking, repair, alchemy), and a major change to how wilderness scenes work on the Overworld map (see below for more details).

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