美服《奇迹英雄》 预购剑圣并抢取游戏中的珍贵物品

2014-10-25 460








Marvel Heroes 2015 players who take advantage of today's preorder Juggernaut, the fortieth hero to enter the game, will receive a nice package of in-game goodies for their trouble. Juggernaut is expected to arrive on the PTS later today and in-game in two weeks or so.

Juggernaut Hero Bundle


*2 Costumes (Juggernaut Unstoppable Costume (Default), Juggernaut Classic Costume)

*Juggernaut Hero S.T.A.S.H.

*6x Fortune Cards (One each of Mark 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6)

*1 Retcon Device

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