美服《精英:危险》第三测试版阶段揭幕 已细化功能并添加新功能

2014-10-30 1224











The third beta phase for Elite: Dangerous has officially kicked off. In response to tester feedback, the team has refined features and added new ones in preparation for Beta 3. Players will be able to won multiple ships, check out resource gathering by mining, and a long list of content are now included in the game.

*Player-driven interdiction. Players can now interdict NPC ships, pulling them out of faster-than-light travel back into normal space along with the player.

*Philanthropy missions added.

*Fuel scooping from stars added. Keep a close eye on your temperature gauge as you refuel from the blazing surface of stars.

*Asteroid mining added. Cut metal and rock from asteroids using the mining laser.

*New ships added: Imperial Clipper and Federal Dropship.

*Multiple ship ownership. Long requested by the community, players can keep multiple craft docked at starports, allowing for reserve ships dedicated to combat, exploration, trading and more.

*Additional ship images added to loading screen .

*Status panel now shows faction reputation.

*New in-game controls to allow rapid switching between display screens.

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