美服《荒野星球》提供免费的服务器传输 可以无限传输

2014-10-31 1804






Once the North American WildStar servers come online, players will be able to take advantage unlimited server transfers. Players will be able to transfer from PvE to PvP servers and vice versa. The decision to offer not only free, but unlimited transfers came as a direct result of player feedback.

We wanted to thank you for all of the feedback and insight you’ve been giving us on our recent megaserver change, as well as the health and status of the servers since then. It’s been great to see so many players coming together and enjoying the megaservers, arranging awesome PvP battles and player events, bolstering guild recruitment and open world event participation.

We’ve been listening to your feedback and understand there have been some concerns for the health of PvP servers following the PvP to PvE transfers we enabled for a short time after the megaserver deployment.

When we looked at our data, the PvP Realms (mainly Luminai for our EU players) seemed healthy, but we understand this wasn’t what players were seeing or feeling in-game. As such, we sat down and discussed how to ensure all the megaserver realms would continue to be healthy and sustain an active and positive community.

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