
2014-11-01 1207








SilverHelm Studios, the team behind Project Gorgon, has announced that a new KickStarter initiative has begun for what is described as the 'spiritual successor' to the now-closed City of Heroes. Called Project Valiance, the game will utilize sandbox elements to put the control of the world in the hands of the players.

"Imagine a world full of limitless scientific advancements, immense magical power, and the unfettered potential of the human body and mind.

In this world, you choose. You can be the one to step up and save the day; the hero who strives to protect the city and the people who inhabit it.

Or you can be the one to cut a swath of destruction through the populace; the villain who rules the world with an iron fist.

Or perhaps you’re something in between?"

Welcome to Valiance Online, a new superhero MMO born from the death of City of Heroes. Like many of you, we too were shattered when our beloved City of Heroes was taken away. But now is our time to rebuild. Our time has come to rise up, and build a stronger foundation against the forces of evil, or a more menacing threat to world order. Help us make City of Heroes one of the only games in history to launch several successful spiritual successors.We can make a successful superhero MMO, standing on the shoulders of the giants, but we need your help to go all the way!

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