美服《天空熔炉》一个新的里程碑 公布即将到来的技术测试版

2014-11-11 856












Last week, Skyforge hit a new milestone as we announced the MMO’s first upcoming technical beta weekend! Here’s a look at what else My.com recently revealed, including the community “Photoshop” contest winners, weekly fanart and a new in-depth article on adepts!

Skyforge’s First Technical Beta Weekend Announced!

The Allods Team, Obsidian Entertainment and My.com are excited to announce the first Skyforge Technical Beta Weekend beginning on Thursday, November 13th!

Adepts – Making The Most of Them

My.com dove deeper into the Order system in order to talk about the differences between each adept and the exact ways in which players may influence their adept’s progress in-game.

Skyforge “Photoshop” Community Contest Winners Revealed!

The dust has settled, digital lines have literally been drawn and the Skyforge "Photoshop" Community Contest has come to a close – find out who won and take a look at the winning entries!

Fan Art of the Week

Not all gods on Aelion are there to protect the innocent. Here's a piece of fan art from Pilgrim951 who's depicted what he imagines an evil god would look like in Skyforge!

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