美服《魔兽世界》 暴雪揭示DDoS攻击服务器

2014-11-14 1061






In what is becoming sadly normal on a game's launch day, Blizzard has confirmed that World of Warcraft servers are under DDOS attack from an outside source that is resulting in server disconnects and lag rendering the Warlords of Draenor expansion unplayable by many. Blizzard is undertaking a series of fixes in order to return server stability and will be keeping the community informed.

We’re excited to finally launch Warlords of Draenor and explore this new world with you, but we know that the experience has been less than ideal as we approach our first full day of launch.

Europe was our first region to launch, and we encountered a few issues due to the sheer number of players attempting to enter Draenor from a single location. We worked to add multiple new ways to access Draenor, and this helped ease some of the initial rush into the new expansion as players were able to access it from their capital cities, as well as from the shrines in Pandaria.

While that solution helped a ton for our North American launch, we ran into a few other issues, including a distributed denial of service attack, that resulted in increased latency.

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