Smile Gate公司开发的神秘的新MMO《失落方舟》今晚发布

2014-11-14 3646

Smile Gate公司,穿越火线的开发商,召开了新闻发布会,并正式宣布项目T的名称更改为《失落方舟》,与此同时,一些细节和官方预告片发布。








Smile Gate, the developer of Cross Fire, held a press conference and officially announced to change the name of Project T to LOST ARK, in the meantime, some details and official trailer of LOST ARK were released.

LOST ARK is a quarter-view MMORPG using Unreal Engine 3 and it is scheduled to kick off Closed Beta Test next year. Even though Smile Gate is going to Gstar this year, they won’t provide Demo for Gstar visitors to play LOST ARK.

Gamers can play a role to find Ark and become a real hero through constant battles against demons. And there are two classes with different levels revealed at conference, that is, combat class and manufacture & crafting class. This time Fighter, Warrior, Mage and Gunner has made their first appearance. A bunch of game news in G-star is coming, stay tuned!

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