美服《精英:危险》退款可能会有一个警告 退款需要满足哪些条件

2014-11-21 1009

经过这周早些时候的波动,关于取消《精英:危险》离线播放的问题,Dave Braben已经在最新简报中快速回答Q&A。在这里面,它揭示了那些不满意的退款是可能的,如果买方没有参加过任何alpha或beta事件thusfar,只有在游戏中通过《精英:危险》网站下令才行。








After the kerfuffle earlier in the week regarding the removal of offline play for Elite: Dangerous, Dave Braben has come back with a quick Q&A in the latest newsletter. In it, it is revealed that refunds for those disaffected by the decision are possible but only if the game was ordered through the Elite: Dangerous site and if the purchaser has not participated in any alpha or beta events thusfar.

Braben also takes on questions regarding why the team chose to make the announcement so close to the release, whether or not a single player gaming experience is still possible, whether or not offline play will ever be implemented and the reasons behind removing offline single player gaming.

Will you give people refunds?

We have started responding to requests where there is a clear outcome:

Those who have pre-ordered an Elite: Dangerous release version from our online store and have therefore not yet played the game are eligible for a refund.

Those who have already been playing the game online in the Alpha and/or Beta phases, regardless of whether they backed the project via Kickstarter or purchased access to Alpha and/or Beta through our online store, are not eligible for a refund.

We want to make sure we treat each person's situation with the thoroughness it deserves, and have contacted each of them to ask that they bear with us over the next few working days if their circumstances do not fit either criteria above as we look into individual requests.

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