美服《天空熔炉》 黑曜石娱乐公司推出的新职业—狂战士

2014-11-25 1075






Today Obsidian Entertainment has revealed the ruthless Berserker class in Skyforge with a brutal new trailer. Wielding a two-handed chainsword (a combination of a sword and chainsaw), the Berserker is fearless warrior that rushes headlong into the battle, carving down several enemies with each blow.

The Berserker channels rage from combat to power abilities that allow him to jump massive distances to bring the fight to his opponents, and once there, he has the ability to slow, stun and knock back enemies to control the flow of battle. The Berserker is a terrifying presence on the battlefield and is the class for players that enjoy up-close-and-personal battles and carnage.

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