美服《无尽的任务2》Altar of Malice向所有玩家开放

2014-11-26 2820

索尼在线娱乐宣布第十一届《无尽的任务2》扩展,Altar of Malice发布。所有访问成员已经玩了几个星期,但扩张现在向所有人开放。Altar of Malice延续了十周年庆典,并给玩家带来了一个新的区域,新冒险,新任务,怪物,装备等等。


只有最勇敢的冒险者敢于接受任务,在破碎的海洋中冒险以面对可怕的deinodons,危险的侏儒,骨骼装甲蜥蜴人,咸海盗等新的生物潜伏在阴影之中。虽然水上有危险,提防Kithicor Woods深处不断增加的阴谋。游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。


Sony Online Entertainment has announced the release of the eleventh EverQuest II expansion, Altar of Malice. All-Access members have been playing for a couple of weeks, but the expansion is now open to all. Altar of Malice continues the tenth anniversary celebration and brings players a new zone, new adventures, new quests, monsters, gear and much, much more.

Norrath enters a new age, one darkened by the cold war between Freeport and Qeynos.Outside powers can help them rebuild, like the Far Seas Trading Company, but lately its ports have run mysteriously silent. Emissaries sent from the cities have gone missing and any scout sent to investigate does not return.

Only the bravest adventurers will take on the quest to journey across the mysterious Shattered Seas to face monstrous deinodons, pint-sized yet perilous pygmies, bone-armored lizard men, salty pirates, and other new creatures lurking amongst the shadows. And while there are dangers on the waters, beware the thickening evil plot growing deep in the Kithicor Woods. Its maliciousness could make even the undead's skin crawl...

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