美服《天空熔炉》揭密Mantid入侵背后的绝杀 以Mantides入侵Aelion世界而闻名

2014-12-04 703




Obsidian Entertainment has published a new story on the Skyforge site that reveals the lore behind the mantid invasion of the world of Aelion.

The story tells of how, in ancient times, an evil race of insectoid people known as the Mantides invaded the world of Aelion, where Skyforge takes place. Although repelled by the the immortals of Aelion including the planet’s god Aeli, the queen of the Mantides, Sangra, would stop at nothing to destroy Aelion. In an effort to destroy the planet, Sangra used her powers to launch one of Aelion’s own moons at the planet.

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