美服《战线:铁血战争》宣布第二次beta测试 提供新鲜的坦克策略游戏

2014-12-05 651

美服《战线:铁血战争》宣布第二次beta测试 提供新鲜的坦克策略游戏

Bandai Namco游戏美国宣布即将到来的免费模式的网络游戏《战线:铁血战争》的第二次beta测试将于12月9日,星期二推出,它提供了一个新鲜的坦克策略游戏,所有时代的混合坦克实施一场惊心动魄的操作体验。




Bandai Namco Games America announces that the second beta testing for their upcoming free-to-play title for pc, Battleline: Steel Warfare will open on tuesday, december 9. Battleline: Steel Warfare offers a fresh take on tank strategy gaming, blending tanks from all eras to dispense a thrilling action experience.

Players who previously participated in the first beta testing will receive exclusive rewards, including 500 thousand gold coins and a special m4 sherman tank with custom skin. New tanks will also be regularly released over the course of the beta.

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