美服《星战前夜》推出Rhea更新 探索新的虫洞系统和巨大的恒星系统

2014-12-06 1352

CCP Games公司宣布推出《星战前夜》名为“Rhea”的最新内容扩展。玩家很期待新船的形式,探索新的虫洞系统和一个巨大的恒星系统。Rhea是第二次冬季内容的扩展,根据开发团队,设置舞台的游戏机制大规模检修,2015年还有更多。







CCP Games has announced the launch of the latest EVE Online content expansion called "Rhea". Players have much to look forward to in the form of new ships, over a hundred new wormhole systems and a massive star system to explore. Rhea is the second winter content expansion that, according to the development team, sets the stage for massive overhauls to game mechanics and more in 2015.

UI of the Future

Modernization of the functionality, look and feel of EVE Online’s interface. We've designed more recognizable icons, improved panel transparency, and given it a style more fitting of the epic science fiction universe it is a window to.

*The Name Purge – Old trial accounts that never became subscribers will be assigned generic character names, freeing up countless names for new players

*Keyboard Ship Controls – WASD? Why not? (Opt-in feature)

*Kill Report Notifications – More features added to the recently introduced Notification System

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