美服《奇迹英雄》发送英雄礼物 玩家可以将装备发送给其他人

2014-12-24 911


“自游戏推出以来,礼物发送一直是玩家最受欢迎的功能之一,我们很高兴在游戏中增加了很多可用的英雄数量”,创意设计师和Gazillion的社区经理Ryan Collins说。“现实是成为奇迹英雄2015的玩家的最好时机,现在你就可以获得最终的在线奇迹的游戏体验的礼物。”专业玩家比价器为外服游戏担保比价和担保交易。


Thanks to the new gifting option in the Marvel Heroes 2015 store, players can now send items to others. Players can send Heroes, Costumes, Team-Ups, Pets and Fortune Card bundles, many of which are discounted right now just in time for the holidays.

“Gifting has been one of the most requested features from our players since launch and we are excited to be adding this feature during a time where the game has more than doubled the number of available heroes and has never been more fun or addictive to play,” Ryan Collins, Creative Designer and Community Manager of Gazillion. “There has never been a better time to be a Marvel Heroes 2015 player and now you will be able to give the gift of the ultimate online Marvel gaming experience.”

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