美服《勇气档案:D报告》Square Enix公司推出的勇敢系列 iOS和Android系统可用

2014-12-25 1113

Square Enix公司宣布了新的自由发挥的回合制RPG称为《勇气档案:D报告》,将在日本发行,在2015年1月iOS和Android系统可用,这是在Bravely Default之后推出在智能手机上的勇敢系列。



Square Enix has announced that a new free to play turn-based RPG called Bravely Archive: D's Report will be released in Japan on iOS and Android in January 2015. It's to be the Bravely series's debut on smartphones after Bravely Default and the upcoming Bravely Second on 3DS.

According to Siliconera, Bravely Archive: D's Report takes place several hundred years after the other games. You play as the new librarian at the Anastasis Library is located in the center of Luxendarc. You travel the world to collect memories that are stored in crystals. You'll be able to meet characters from other Bravely games along the way. You're able to create your own party from the usual mix healers, offensive types, and supporters. There are 30 jobs (classes) in total to try out.

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