美服《MEVIUS 最终幻想》一款新的手机游戏截图展示

2014-12-29 992

近日,Square Enix公司揭示了另一款新的手机游戏,《MEVIUS 最终幻想》,并计划于明年发布Android和iOS设备。该项目由著名制片人Yoshinori Kitase制作,他从1991年开始最终幻想系列的工作。


他最近在几个游戏中扮演了重要角色,如《王国之心》,《最终幻想VII》,《最终幻想X》,《最终幻想XIII:雷霆归来》。谈论Square Enix公司的传奇!

随着《MEVIUS 最终幻想》,Yoshinori Kitase曾表示他的团队正在制作一个全面的,高品质的RPG世界,从未在智能手机和平板电脑上出现过。他竟然提到它作为“游戏的新时代已经到来”,并认为“事情将永远是不同的”。游戏工作室联盟首选专业玩家网,集合所有网游项目,游戏辅助,等游戏赚钱方法。





Recently, Square Enix revealed another new mobile game, Mevius Final Fantasy, which is slated to be released next year on Android and iOS devices. The project is helmed by famed producer, Yoshinori Kitase, who started work on the Final Fantasy series since 1991.

He has played a major role in titles such as Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X and more recently, Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Talk about a Square Enix legend!

With Mevius Final Fantasy, Yoshinori Kitase has stated his team is crafting a full-scale, high-quality RPG world the likes of which has never been seen on smartphones and tablets. He went as far as to mentioned it as “a new era of gaming is here”, and that “things will never be the same”.

Players start off waking up in a strange land, with no memories but a guiding voice. Here are the first screenshots for Mevius Final Fantasy.

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