美服《冒险岛2》 下一次内测详情预览 玩家将可以加强其装备

2014-12-31 2568






The launch date of MapleStory 2 next closed beta testing is just around the corner, and since Dec 23rd, Nexon has kicked off the registration for MapleStory 2's closed beta testing. Also, they have been releasing some info about new contents of this CBT, let's see!

Applications will be available from December 24 to January 12, and selected users will be announced on January 16. The CBT itself will take place over 5 days, from January 21 to January 25!

This time, 10,000 new CBT testers will be chosen, in addition to the existing Alpha testers. Users chosen in this CBT will be given special Adventurer-only items in the OBT as well as the ability to participate in adventurer-only events.

In this CBT, players will be able to strengthen their items at blacksmith streets, or sell their goods to others at black market. There's also a great way to punish toxic behaviors in the game, the prison system. Those who frequently get reported will be sent to prison by GM.

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