美服《最终幻想XV》Square Enix正在招聘网络游戏策划师

2015-01-02 816

《最终幻想XV》透露了一个新的游戏预告片,它使成为世界各地的新闻头条。这个备受期待的游戏只用于PlayStation4和Xbox One。然而,在最近的上市职业中,Square Enix公司在为FFXV寻找一个“网络游戏策划师”。

虽然未证实《最终幻想XV》正在被移植到PC平台上,但似乎是side game,在线的,涉及到的核心故事情节。移植到PC网游不是真正的惊喜,Square Enix公司已经发现《最终幻想14》的巨大成功,并且还推出了PC MOBA和在线PvP的射手。对游戏玩家来说绝对是激动人心的时刻。专业玩家网游戏工作室项目论坛全面开放,欢迎所有游戏工作室加入。


After Final Fantasy XV revealed a new game trailer, it has made headlines around the world. This highly-anticipated game was only scheduled for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. However, in a recent job listing, Square Enix was seen looking for an "Online Game Planner" for "new online games related to FFXV".

While it is certainly not confirmed that Final Fantasy XV is being ported to the PC platform, it seems there will be a side game, an online one, related to the core storyline. Moving to PC online games is not really a surprise, as Square Enix has found huge success with Final Fantasy XIV, and also launching a PC MOBA and an online PvP shooter. Definitely exciting times for PC gamers.

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