美服《黑色沙漠》GB Ep.2现金店 有魔法师专用服装

2015-01-03 3799





After getting yelled at in messages. I decided to do a Black Desert series. People were claiming I was just playing the game. And not really sharing information. That was not my intention. It's just that I wanted to play further into the game. So I have something valid to say. But it's apparent a lot of people just want to see the game for themselves.

So I'll just start recording all the cool moments. And give you insight on what I find. So to the people who felt slighted. Don't feel like that, I will try and make everyone happy. So for this video I'll show off a quest boss. A mini cart game, and the cash shop Sorcerer specific clothing. I like the cash shop for what it's worth. Not much is in there to be honest and they could hit us with a left hook later. But for now I'm content with it.

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