《剑灵》对NA/EU玩家来说只是一个梦吗? NCsoft公司没有动静

2015-01-03 2182

《剑灵》很久以前就可以在韩国,日本,中国,台湾可玩,但NA / EU服务器的上市日期仍是未知数。根据最新消息,NCsoft表示,他们将在2015年发布《剑灵》,但可悲的是,在这之后NCsoft公司对NA/EU市场没有表达出诚意,从而使我们很无奈。





Blade and Soul has been available in Korea, Japan, China, and Taiwan for quite a long time, but the launch date of NA/EU server is still unknown. According to recent news, NCsoft said that they would release Blade and Soul NA/EU in 2015, but sadly, after that NCsoft shows no sincerity in NA/EU market, thus makes us quite upset.

Many NA/EU players complain about this on NCsoft NA forum, Blade and Soul FB and TW(en), but all NCsoft do is just to ignore them.
Recently, Blade and Soul KR even kicked off new expasion "Call of Soul", comparing to Korea server, NA/EU server is still not stirring, what a shame!.

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