美服《行星边际2》Playstation 4 内测于1月20日开始

2015-01-08 1646

Playstation 4玩家会很高兴地听到,《行星边际2》的内测将正式于1月20日揭开序幕。有兴趣的玩家被邀请前往官方网站注册,作为潜在测试。



Playstation 4 players will be pleased to hear that the closed beta of Planetside 2 will officially kick off on January 20th. Interested players are invited to head to the official site to sign up as a potential tester.

Starting with a few thousand initial invites, the amount of players with access to the Closed Beta will steadily increase through the Beta period. Players will be invited to the Beta in chronological order of when they signed up.

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