
2015-01-13 1689






PlanetsideBattles is whipping up support for its January 24th attempt to set a new Guiness World Record for most players online in an FPS match. The news comes complete with instructions on how to get involved, exact times for the event to take place and much more.

The current record stands at a paltry 999 with the organizers hoping for a minimum of 1,100 players to come duke it out concurrently.

Our record attempt will consist of approximately 1,100 players and take place on the Jaeger competitive server as a 3 way match on Hossin, pitting each FACTION, not servers, against each other. What this means is that a TR from Connery will be fighting alongside the combined TR populations from all servers; the same goes for the NC and VS.

This will be by far the biggest organized event for Planetside Battles, as a community, and for Planetside as a game, and we are announcing this as early as we can to prepare. We cannot do this without the help that SOE is providing and we cannot do this without YOU.

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