美服《鸦陨Crowfall 》半人马军团揭晓 被描述为“培育成一个战士”

2015-01-28 1175


我是Gaius Aurelius。我被培育成一个战士,没有让人失望。




The first Crowfall class has been revealed on the official site. The Centaur Legionnaire is described as "bred to be a Warrior", the class page gives fans a look at basic attributes as well as read a cool backstory on the class.

My name is Gaius Aurelius. I was bred to be a warrior, and I did not disappoint.

My chosen weapons are axe, lance, bow and blade. I am the ninth in my family to be chosen as a member of the Red Brigade. This proves our superior breeding.

My actions are recorded in the Book of Deeds, and I take pride for they are mine and mine alone.

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