美服《异域》第二次内测于二月份推出 提供更多的内容、任务等

2015-01-31 1294





The develop team of Otherland has just posted an announcement on the forum saying the game is going to have its 2nd CBT next month.

"Otherland is starting into the second CBT in February. We don't have an exact date yet and it can be delayed, but we don't want to tease you anymore. We polished a lot of stuff and put a lot of effort in it to provide you with more content, more quests and new features," the team said on the forums.

Those who didn't get the key in last CBT can take heart now, since the team will give more beta keys this time to let you have enough chances to join the test. The CBT will include crafting system, auction house, storage, and vendors.

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