
2015-02-02 1499


玩家期待每两个星期定期的内容更新。抢劫系统报错,改进实施在2015年可以看到,最后,《无尽的任务》每年的情人节庆祝活动,Erollisi Day,将于本周2月4日开始。专业玩家网游戏工作室项目论坛全面开放,欢迎所有游戏工作室加入。


During the SOE Live celebrations of the past two years, EverQuest fans worked with developers to create Player-Designed Missions. This year marks EQ's sixteenth anniversary and these new missions will be the centerpiece of the celebration. The news was delivered in the first producer's letter of the year that lays out other details in store for the game.

Players can also look forward to regular content updates that should arrive every two weeks. The looting system is being given the once-over as well and should see improvements implemented sometime during 2015. Lastly, EverQuest's annual Valentines celebration, Erollisi Day, will begin this week on February 4th.

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