
2015-02-06 391





When today's Elite: Dangerous beta patch goes live, players will see a laundry list of client and game improvements. Most notably, however, the Community Goals feature will activate. Last week, the team posted a developer blog on the game's forums to explain what Community Goals are.

As the name implies, community goals are cooperative efforts on behalf of players banding together to accomplish specific tasks that will have a direct impact on the game world. For instance, players can work together to create a capital ship on behalf of a small faction group looking to expand its influence.

Another example is the expansion of known explorable space. Developers will spotlight several key locations for expansion. Players will be invited to help map the systems. The one that sees the most collected data will become the location where the next colony will be constructed. This data in hand, players will be asked to collect resources to build the spaceport.

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