
2015-02-09 1476






Recently, Soul Seeker, a free to play 3D action-RPG developed by Com2uS, has been released on Android and iOS.

It has you select a hero, form a support team, and then battle in real-time through several battle scenarios in the single player. There are also multiplayer modes, including a 5v5 PvP battle arena, and a tower that you have to fight up in co-op with other players.

No matter what mode you decide to focus on, you'll be battling big beasts and their minions to earn coins and gems. With those you can buy bigger weapons and better items from the Shop.

However, what you get for your purchases is also based on luck. A reel spins with heroes of various types and levels (the more stars the better) and what it stops on is what you get. You can also earn new heroes to form your team in the same way. In fact, there are over 200 heroes to earn in Soul Seeker.

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