
2015-02-11 1070






PCGamer has an extensive preview of the forthcoming Guild Wars 2 "Stronghold" PvP mode that will arrive with the Heart of Thorns expansion. In Stronghold, teams are given a fortress, each with a lord nestled deep within. Teams have two objectives: To protect the Stronghold and Lord; and to invade and kill the opposing team's Lord.

To do so, players will be able to gather resources to bring two different types of NPCs into the match to assist in the battle:

*Archers that can do massive harass and damage the opposing team's NPCs. Archers do little damage to the gates of the opposition's Stronghold
*Doorbreakers can do massive damage to the opposition's Stronghold gates but can be taken down in a single shot by Guards

Teams will also have access to a trebuchet used to throw boulders at any strategic point on the map.  While they can be destroyed, trebuchets can be rebuilt almost instantly if supplies are available.

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