美服《天空熔炉》使用统计创建角色 不分阶级的互换职业

2015-02-12 874






The latest Obsidian Entertainment and the Allods Team have posted lengthy and comprehensive look at how Skyforge players will be able to create the precise characters they wish to play by utilizing stats and abilities. According to the article, players are able to experiment with different synergies of abilities and stats on items to gain specific advantages for their chosen character class and play style.

Players begin with a basic set of stats that are somewhat interchangeable regardless of class. However, there are certain stats that are attached to a player's basic character class as well.  Players can enhance their class abilities and chose stat preferences with equipment, the Ascension Atlas and through developing their Order.

Equipment will feature five tiers from Common to Legendary, with each tier having more modifiers than the last. By choosing ahead of time which stats are preferable to increase, players can adequately choose the correct equipment to bring that goal closer to fruition.

Players develop their Order by placing patrons in territories, building chapels and monuments, etc. Altars are attached to chapels that will see players receive bonuses that can then be applied to a preferred stat.

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