美服《Dream of Mirror Online》今天发布CBT

2015-02-14 675

给社会MMORPG游戏迷带来一个新的游戏。《Dream of Mirror Online》,是以中国神话为基础,以美丽的动漫为主题的MMORPG,将于2月13日下午5点EST推出其CBT。现在游戏可在官方网站下载。让我们准备好!



Here comes a new game for the social MMORPG game fans. Dream of Mirror Online, a beautiful anime themed MMORPG based off of Chinese mythology, is going to launch its CBT on Feb. 13th at 5pm EST. The time is counting down, and the game is now available for download on the official site. Let's get ready for it!

Come home to a world like no other as players have hundreds of things to do in-game! DOMO has plenty of features that created a dedicated fan base and made it one of the most memorable MMORPG experiences ever!

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