美服《解放圣城》直播展示团队的努力 将推迟Alpha的完结

2015-03-01 538

《解放圣城》团队将从今天的直播开始,大约10点/ 7点太平洋东部,将会显示为Alpha做的最后准备。据昨晚的更新透露,为了完成最后的准备工作,推迟Alpha完结是一件容易的事,但团队认为,这不是一个可选择的途径。



The Camelot Unchained team will be starring in a live stream today beginning at approximately 10:00 Eastern / 7:00 Pacific that will show the final preparations for the start of the game's alpha. According to last night's update, it would be an easy matter to delay the commencement of alpha in order to complete the final preparations, but the team feels that that's not an option.

And it’s down to the last 27 hours and we still have a couple of crashing bugs. And what are we going to do? Should we give it up and just delay Alpha? Tomorrow’s Saturday after all and while we’ve worked hard, we are not ready. Well, it certainly would be easier to just say, sorry, we need a little extra time.

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