美服《上古世纪》入门包抽奖活动 对玩家所在区域也有要求

2015-03-03 466





MMORPG.com is very pleased to present this exclusive sweepstakes event! We have partnered with Trion Worlds to give away 10 Silver Starter Packs ($49.99 value) and ONE grand prize of a an Archeum Starter Pack ($149.99 value)!


*Trion Worlds is not a sponsor or administrator of this offer and assumes no responsibility for this offer.
*Winners must reside in one of the following regions: Europe, North America, Latin America, Australia or New Zealand.

As with all sweepstakes on MMORPG.com - the more days you login to the site during the event the better your odds of winning! (see official rules for details)

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