美服《解放圣城》没有任何借口、任何理由 但Alpha还是会延迟

2015-03-03 490

尽管开发团队在周末尽了最大努力,《解放圣城》Alpha还是没有如预期那样启动。在《解放圣城》的社区,Mark Jacobs承诺在免费订阅日有社区报酬。




The Camelot Unchained alpha did not begin as expected, despite the best efforts of the development team throughout the weekend. In a lengthy letter to the Camelot Unchained community, Mark Jacobs promised the community remuneration in the form of free subscription days, CSE points and Founder's Points.

Jacobs further informed fans that alpha is likely only to be delayed a short time to solve some pesky client crash issues, though all other systems seemed to be working as intended.

As for the second step, we need to tell you when Alpha is going to open. Our expectation is that it will be a very short delay, but Andrew needs to decide the best way to fix the problem over the next few days. If all goes well, we might actually have Alpha open before we come up with the date, but we are not going to promise that. We will certainly know by the end of next week. But right now, well, it’s been a long couple of weeks and we are all a bit tired. So now isn’t really the best time to think about or discuss this.

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