美服《鸦陨》禁运金库和账户银行 规模尚未确定

2015-03-04 556








The Crowfall KickStarter page has been updated with an FAQ that goes into some detail about the two main types of storage to which players will have access.

The Embargo Bank is a campaign, or world, specific storage that allows players to salt away items and gear acquired during the campaign. Yet storage doesn't mean that these items can be accessed or that all things will make it past the destruction of the world.

On completing a campaign, gear will be transferred to a player's Account Bank based on:

*how well the player's faction or guild did up to the destruction of the world
*how much an individual participated in the campaign
Embargo Banks are located in specific locations throughout a world and items placed inside will be safe from looting. The size has yet to be determined, though the team seems adamant that more risk / more reward will influence the overall size of a campaign's Embargo Bank.
The Account Bank, as the name implies, is an account-wide storage that all of a player's characters can access.

免责声明:部分内容转自其他媒体,转载目的在于为游戏工作室传递更多信息,如因作品内容、版权和其他问题请 联系客服