
2015-03-12 645





Pearl Abyss announced their plans to Black Desert in New Year that they will add a variety of new characters and new territory Median. Following with Beast Master and Blader, the seventh playable character Valkyrie will be released next month in Korean server.

Meanwhile, Pearl Abyss revealed the hardcore party features, guild ranking system and crafted lifestyle uniform for a boost in life and trade skills and etc. Players now can find Valkyrie as a NPC in game. She will be the female counterpart of the Warrior, so she will be using a sword and shield. Additionally, Pearl Abyss announced that the event to celebrate the 100th day of Black Desert Open Beta will be kicked off on March 26th!

Black Desert, this 3D Korean sandbox MMORPG, has been anticipated by lots of MMOsite fans. The game features open world, large-scale castle siege, day to night cycle, non-targeting combat, and more with outstanding graphics.

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