
2015-03-17 1321

今天的《激战2》更新已经发布,受欢迎的意外之喜是第一人称视角现在是比赛的一部分。此外,World Completion的WvW地图的成就已被删除,新的 Stream媒体客户端通知系统已经实施。




Today's Guild Wars 2 update notes have been released with the welcomed surprise that the first-person view camera is now part of the game. Also, the WvW map requirement for the World Completion achievement has been removed and a new streaming client notification system has been implemented.

New camera settings in the General Options panel:

*Added a Field of View slider.
*Added a Zoom Sensitivity slider, which controls how quickly zooming in and out occurs.
*Added a Collision Sensitivity slider, which controls how readily the camera will ignore obstructions between itself and your character.
*Removed the Position slider.
*Added a Horizontal Position slider, which controls how much the camera is shifted to the left or right of your character.
*Added a Vertical Position slider, which controls how much camera height increases as you zoom out.
*Added an Enable First-Person Camera check box. To enter first-person mode, zoom in again while at minimum camera zoom.
*Added an Adjust Camera to Character Height check box. When unchecked, the camera will be placed at the same height regardless of your character size.
*Added a Restore Defaults button.

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