美服《荒野星球》合同系统 有各种困难与规模相应的奖励

2015-03-19 849

《荒野星球》网站已经更新了有关合同的新信息以及当入侵更新上线时它们将如何发挥作用。合同,根据作家Joe Piepora,有办法为顶级玩家通过小而简单的,可重复的内容发展为大齿轮。




The WildStar site has been updated with new information about Contracts and how they will function when the Invasion: Nexus update goes live. Contracts, according to writer Joe Piepora, are ways for top level players to be able to progress to great gear through bite-sized, repeatable content.

To do so, players will be able to pick up 'contracts', up to three PvE and three PvP contracts per day. Contracts come in various difficulties with rewards that scale accordingly. In PvE contracts, players might be sent out on any one of several tasks that might include killing "x" number of monsters, earning "x" number of multi-kills etc. PvP contracts might ask players to complete a specific battleground, win Rated Arena matches, etc.

On successful completion of a contract, players will be rewarded with a loot bag that will potentially have Glory, Prestige or gear, and contract reward points. Reward points will accumulate faster the more difficult the contract and at certain milestones, rewards can be chosen.

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