美服《战锤40K:永恒远征》创始人访问于2015年秋天到来 创始人测试版紧随其后

2015-03-20 989

Nathan Richardsson采用《战锤40K:永恒远征》博客书写远征的最新状态。在书中,他宣布,创始人访问将在2015年秋季开始,创始人测试版还没有确定的日期。




Nathan Richardsson has taken to the Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade blog to pen the latest State of the Crusade letter. In it, he announces that the Founders Access for Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade will begin in Fall 2015 with the Founders Beta set to begin at an indeterminate date.

Founders Access will include a 32-player map with siege or assault game modes, multiple attack lanes, destructible objects, defensive turrets and more. Developers chose a single map for the program as it allows testing of the game features that need to be tested for broader deployment later.

During Founders Access, players will be able to choose from the Space Marine faction or the Chaos Marine faction, each with a subfaction included if all goes according to plan. Four vehicles will be part of the program as well as other features including an comprehensive HUD, group systems, consumables and more.

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