美服《无尽危机》正式发布 Steam开始销售

2015-03-27 628




精英蒸汽包 - 29.99美元

*34个英雄—(闪电侠,原子神奇女侠,噩梦罗宾,煤气灯猫女,超人,水行侠,罗宾,超人,Hawkgirl,武士刀,噩梦蝙蝠侠,绿箭,电子人,蓝甲虫,原子小丑,机甲神奇女侠,辛尼斯特罗, Stargirl,猫女,星光蓝宝石,神秘女超人,Shazam,沼泽怪物,Atrocitus,原子绿灯侠,原子毒常春藤,绿灯侠,煤气灯小丑,机甲超人,常春藤,Krypto,扎坦娜,Starro和梦魇超人)


Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Turbine have announced that today marks the official launch date for Infinite Crisis, a MOBA based in the DC "Multiverse". New Steam bundles were also announced that give players a pair of packages with heroes and other in-game items to choose from.

Basic Steam Bundle -- $9.99

*8 Champions - (Superman, The Flash, Mecha Wonder Woman, Stargirl, Catwoman, Atomic Green Lantern, Poison Ivy & Aquaman)
*Exclusive Golden Superman Costume

Elite Steam Bundle -- $29.99

*34 Champions - (The Flash, Atomic Wonder Woman, Nightmare Robin, Gaslight Catwoman, Superman, Aquaman, Robin, Supergirl, Hawkgirl, Katana, Nightmare Batman, Green Arrow, Cyborg, Blue Beetle, Atomic Joker, Mecha Wonder Woman, Sinestro, Stargirl, Catwoman, Star Sapphire, Arcane Supergirl, Shazam, Swamp Thing, Atrocitus, Atomic Green Lantern, Atomic Poison Ivy, Arcane Green Lantern, Gaslight Joker, Mecha Superman, Poison Ivy, Krypto, Zatanna, Starro and Nightmare Superman)
*Exclusive Golden Superman Costume

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