
2015-04-01 585

创意总监Alexander Mishulin曾在《天空熔炉》网站发布一个海报,带给玩家关于终结游戏和玩家的等级上限的一些目标的新信息。






Creative Director Alexander Mishulin has penned a new post that has been posted on the Skyforge site to give players new information about the end game and some of the goals for players at level cap.

To begin with, Mishulin reveals the Skyforge goals for high-end players:

1.Taking the next step on the path of divinity. While Mishulin hesitates to reveal any real information about what this means, he does say that players attaining this vaunted status will be set apart from the lesser gods in Skyforge.

2.Keeping a player's Pantheon on top and at its best.

To do so, players can take part in Platoons which are similar to raids with 10-players working through the content and attaining an Epic Ring when complete.

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