美服《星球大战:旧共和国》五月四日12x XP职业任务回归

2015-04-20 1105

截至本周,作为星球大战庆典阿纳海姆酒吧事件的livestream的一部分,Bioware的开发者宣布的一些事情会让SWTOR的玩家非常高兴—12x XP的职业任务回归。

Bioware瞥了一眼Michael Backus, Charles Boyd, Jesse Sky以及Eric Musco,他说从5月4日开始,用户将享受这个福利,使他们能够快速升级,或说服朋友/新用户加入并赶上他们。游戏工作室想要快速的游戏出货,可以选择专业玩家网游戏交易平台,包含最全面的欧美游戏收货商,港台游戏收货,东南亚游戏收货商家。


As part of the livestream of the Anaheim Cantina event at Star Wars Celebration this week, Bioware devs announced something that'll make SWTOR fans very happy - the return of 12x XP for Class quests.

Bioware peeps Michael Backus, Charles Boyd, Jesse Sky and Eric Musco said that starting May 4th (and running indefinitely?), subscribers will enjoy this perk, which enables them to quickly level up alts or convince friends/new subscribers to join and catch up to them quickly.

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