
2015-04-27 1946










Stormthrone is a fantasy browser MMORPG released by R2Games recently. The game provides an epic free-to-play experience in the tradition of MMORPG classics. Today let's take a look at this brand new game and see if it's your cup of tea.

Like most of the MMORPGs, we start from choosing class. There are three races and six unique classes for us to create our ultimate hero. The graphic of this game is magical style, and it reminds me of Wartune and Diablo. It's a 2.5D game, if you like 3D games, you may feel disappointed.

Following the storyline quest, we entered the main city. Well, isn't it similar to the stormwind city? The game control of Stormthrone is also quite similar to Diablo, even the sound of dropping coins is almost the same.

It's not that hard to level up in Stormthrone, after a short time, I broke into the core zone of the evils. Are you familiar with this dragon? Isn't it the Deathwing? Well, at least it's much weaker than Deathwing, and you can beat it down easily.

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